This forum is brought to you digitally by AGAM Theatre Lab supported by National Arts Council.
Mode : Via AGAM website
Tickets : Free online
‘Nadagavaathi’ (Alluding to an individual who speaks the language of Theatre) is Agam Theatre Lab’s promise to create a platform for practitioners in the local Indian theatre scene as well as the larger theatre fraternity to share their journey and experiences in theatre with a key focus on the process of theatre-making. It serves as a veritable teaching platform for the current and future generations of theatre makers as also serves as a point for aspiring academics to refer to the transcribed forum together with the digital recording of the forum for anecdotal reference in their research. The live telecast of the video in social media will also cater to reach the larger theatre fraternity to be involved in a live online discussion with the presenters and us, the organiser.
In the English Language tapestry of Singapore theatre, Nadagavaathi 5.0 will be the fourth installation of the forum which is designed to play a crucial role in providing a comprehensive view of the whole scene. It will seek to explore topics pertaining to the journey of three renowned theatre technicians:
Mr Yeo Hon Beng: Shedding light on the journey of a lighting designer
Ms Charlinda Pereira: Managing the world of theatre, one step at a time.
Ms Mumtaz Maricar: The maker behind the fruit of the loom
Under the theme of ‘TECHies in theatre’, they will collectively explore their experiences that led to them becoming a designer and an administrator in the production, the fundamentals of their craft including desired skillsets and attitudes, challenges that they faced and how they overcome them continuously as well as anchoring it on the humanistic element of their craft being the core of their ethos.